Towards A Shared Land Theology—A Palestinian Christian Reading of the Land Promises

Land issues often are immensely controversial! On the other side of the world, at the Promised Land, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has never subsided. While the Jewish Christians are convinced that their possession of the land is divinely ordained, how would the Palestinian Christians residing in the same place understand the same promise? Whose land? Is the promise unconditional? Does this promise simply designate the right of possession? What is the purpose of this land promise after all?

Rev Dr Munther Isaac is the Academic Dean and Assistant Professor of Bethlehem Bible College and director of ‘Christ at the Check Point’ conferences.As a Palestinian Christian, he attempts to reexamine the land promises in the Old and the New Testament in order to shed light on the current land conflicts in his homeland. Through his exposition, the underlying theology that is immediately relevant to a foreign issue in another part of the world, as it transpires, has much to do with our city, here and now.

土地问题,确实极具争议!地球的另一端、在那片应许之地上,以巴衝突从未平息。当犹太基督徒深信拥有这地土的神圣权利时,同处一地的巴勒斯坦基督徒又是怎样理解?是谁的土地?应许是无条件吗?应许单单指拥有权吗?赐予土地的应许又是為了甚麼目的?伯利恆圣经学院助理教授兼教务长、Christ at the Check Point会议发言人Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac,尝试从巴勒斯坦的处境出发,由旧约走到新约,重新剖析并反思这土地问题。这看似是地球另一端的事件,但背后的神学却对此时此刻的这一端极有关係。

Speaker: Rev Dr Munther Isaac
Academic Dean & Assistant Professor at Bethlehem Bible College and 
director of the influential 'Christ at the Checkpoint' conferences

Q & A
