Alumni Relations

To all dearest CGST students and alumni,

Peace be with you!

Like every one of you that I was trained in CGST and later I became a pastor serving in the church. Being thrilled at my heart and coupled with thanksgiving to our Lord, I joined CGST in September 2013 serving as coordinator in the Alumni Relations.

CGST always wishes to link up closely with the alumni and I am commissioned to act as a bridge so that CGST and alumni could maintain a good relationship and strong bonding with each other. Through various means of alumni activities and continuing development trainings, we aim at nurturing alumni in pastoral care, spiritual integrity and other aspects.

Therefore, you are encouraged to join us together for supporting and making contribution to the CGST mission --- “Vision for China  Mission to the World”.

Chan Hing Ling
CGST Alumni Relations
(MCS(C) 2011, MCS 2001, DipCS 1999)


Alumni Association

The Alumni Association was established to develop connections among alumni with the objectives stated below:

  • Staying connected with CGST and receiving updated news from CGST
  • Helping CGST promote the mission of theological education
  • Fostering relationships and mutual support among alumni through various activities, also providing sharing platform for biblical context, theological studies and spiritual experience.


2020-2021 Alumni Committee Members:

Chairman: Lai Chi Him, Paris(MDiv 2013)

Vice Chairman: Cheung Wing Hong, Ivan (MDiv 2000) 

Treasurer: Che Chun Man (MDiv 2008, DipCS 2005)

Secretary: Ng Ka Chee, Rhoda (MCS(C) 2011, MDiv 2008)

Members: Wong Chi TIng, Cherry (MCS 2013), Kwan Ho Leung (ThM 2010, MDiv 1998), Kwan Kit To, Jacky (MDiv 2016) and Yeung Wai Ha, Vicki (MDiv 2019)

Marketplace Alumni Club

「Marketplace Alumni Club」,簡稱MAC -- 是一群於2013年基督教研究碩士(主修職場神學)和基督教研究文憑(部份時間)畢業的同學組成。成立目的是為了支援一群在研究院接受了神學裝備,而繼續留在職場作鹽作光的畢業生,藉此實踐職場使命,推動職場運動。

在職畢業生的工場所在,正正是一般牧師和傳道人不能到達的禾場。然而,我們相信上帝都有為衪的子民安排了不同的召命和崗位。這群畢業生就是在非傳統的牧養框架下,在職場中為上帝作天國的大使。他們不甘心神學的追求就在畢業禮後畫上句號;他們更願意把學到的神學理念,和所得的裝備繼續在自己的崗位中反思,整合在各個生活的處境中,特別是常被人忽視的職場。讓神學教育不單在神學院內出現,且在四面圍牆外延續著 – 就在他們所到之處,把過往莘莘學習的功夫,靠著聖靈的大能,繼續在前線實踐著神學教育,並在母校MAC的聯繫平台內,繼續攜手走這條信仰人生路,讓神的國度彰顯。

在職的MAC 畢業生並不代表從此與母校的關係完結,相反,這是進入另一個新里程碑的開始!